Dunedin is the second-largest cities in the South Island of New Zealand with a population of 122000.

Dunedin is located in the Otago region which is located in the South Island.


In  Dunedin, you can do a lot of things like mountain trips, biking trips, train rides and even Museum trips. You could even go on a wildlife tour pretty cool.

Dunedin’s name comes from D’un Eideann the Scottish Gaelic name for Edinburgh the Capital Of Scotland.

Here are some facts about Dunedin. Dunedin’s top attraction is Alannah castle which is New Zealand’s only 

Castle. It was built in the late 19th-century by a wealthy banker William Larnach who made his fortune during Otago’s gold rush year. Dunedin is home to Baldwin Street which, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the steepest street in the world. 

Dunedin is an interesting city to visit.