The kea

The Kea is a NZ native bird. The Kea’s feathers are olive green have a bit of orange. Kea have a black outline around their feathers. A Kea also has a strange look. The Kea’s [...]

By |6th September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on The kea


A challenge is something that is not always easy to do at first. But if you keep on learning you will get there in the end. To meet a challenge, you have to have a [...]

By |5th September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on Challenge


A challenge is something not always easy to do at first but if you keep on trying you will achieve your goal. One of my first challenge for myself was on this school program called [...]

By |5th September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on Challenge

Remember The Holidays

Remember when we went to Coopers beach and got four full buckets of pipi and half a bucket of pipi? That was my holidays! Remember when we went scuba diving with sharks, stingrays and tropical fish [...]

By |5th September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on Remember The Holidays

Remember the holidays

Remember when I threw up for a day and all I could do lie down by the fire until bedtime? Remember when we raced around the paddocks like raging bulls trying to find our boar, [...]

By |3rd September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on Remember the holidays


There are millions of different activities and places you can do or visit. Whangarei contains lots of  fun places with lots of fun activities to do and play. I enjoy going to the bookstore in the [...]

By |3rd September 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|Comments Off on Whangarei

Remember The Holidays

Remember the day when we went to Laser Maze and we had a lot of my cousins with me because I do. I remember we had laser guns attached to this vest that we were wearing. I even [...]

By |23rd August 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|1 Comment

My Challenges

A  challenge is something that is not always easy to do at first. My challenge is to try and catch up to people on Reading Plus and reach the level I´m supposed to be at. [...]

By |23rd August 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|1 Comment

Remember When

Remember when we were going to the Ngunguru marae but before we did we picked up my papa Joe and my friend Skyla? That was the holidays. Remember when we went to the bottom of [...]

By |23rd August 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|1 Comment

Remember The Holidays

Remember when we paid a lot of money to get our food organized before the movies started and we packed the popcorn and fizzy drinks and stumbled through the mystical door? Remember when I went to [...]

By |23rd August 2019|Classes, Ruma Tahi|2 Comments
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